Please take a moment and nominate it to be available in libraries across the US.
Here's all the info that you'll need -
- Author = Tom Pomplun.
- Artist = Randy Keedah.
- Publisher = Eureka Productions.
- Title = Native American Classics.
- Published/Copyright = March 1, 2013.
- Price = $18.
- Genre = Fiction
- Describe the books plot = Great Stories and Poems from America’s Earliest Authors
- Explain why you think this title should be a candidate for this year's list = Insert glowing praise!
About Graphic Classics:
"Graphic Classics is a series of books presenting great fiction in comics and illustration for contemporary readers ages twelve to adult. Each volume features the works of the world’s greatest authors, illustrated by some of the best artists working today in the fields of comics, illustration and fine arts."